Wallet in the Road

March 26, 2015 - Lois Snyder

One day I was driving home from work and I noticed something in the middle of the road. As I slowly drove by I noticed it was a wallet. When it was safe I pulled over and picked it up. I looked at the name and the picture on the license and it was not someone I knew. It had several credit cards and alot of cash inside. Not knowing who I could trust to be completely honest to return it without steeling any of its contents, I prayed for wisdom.

James 1:5 says "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." Now I looked up how to get to that town. I realized it was a ways out and I was almost out of gas with no more money to get more. Philippians 4:19 says "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." No, the best thing to do was just go and trust God for this as well.

The license did not have a house address and I could not find a phone number. As I drove I prayed for wisdom of how to find this person and for safety, not knowing anything about the character of the person. I also prayed that I would not have to stand in the open doorway of a total stranger. I stopped at one of the first houses I came to and someone came out to the car. She knew something about him and gave me a general idea of where she thought he might live.

As I drove in that direction (continuing to pray) I noticed someone walk out their front door and go across the yard. It looked like the person on the license. As I pulled up I asked him his name and it was the same as on the license. He was so thrilled to get his wallet back just a couple hours after he lost it. He told me how he was upset when he realized that his wallet was gone and had prayed. It was truly an answer to prayer. Then he reached in his wallet and pulled out $20 cash as a thank you gift. He did not know my need and God provided in a way I would not have imagined. I gave him my book on "The Impossible Reality" with many more answers to prayer http://tinyurl.com/ImpossibleReality